Thursday, April 1, 2010

Are You An Out of the Box Leader?

I've recently been reading the book Leadership and Self Deception..Getting Out of the Box by the Arbinger Institute.  The main premise of this book is that maybe, just maybe, all of the problems you see in the people around you really have nothing to do with the people around you but rather your perception of them.  So, on many accounts, your high levels of stress for a person that doesn't seem to work well with you may really be problems with you not working well with them.

Some books have a large impact on me and I have to say this was one of them.  It caused me to look at a few situations in my life and realize that it was really me causing the issue, not someone or something else. It is really quite interesting to turn things around and see how your vision changes.

I'd highly recommend this book to anyone in a leadership position.  It's a fantastic way of learning how to work with people.  I also see it as a great motivator for those times in your life when, as a leader, you feel like you're hitting up against wall after wall.  A different view might just help you crash through those and get the job done.

1 comment:

  1. Julez,

    Good find and thanks for sharing. I will most definitely add this to my reading this.

